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Street address: 11939 Hwy 16 Telkwa, V0J 2X1 British Columbia

GPS Coordinates in decimal degrees are:
Latitude: 54.69151

Longitude - 127.04500

CAUTION: Many pre programmed GPS locators are extremely inaccurate in our region.


Travelling east on Hwy 16, we are about 15 minutes past Smithers, drive past the Village of Telkwa and we are just over the top of the hill on the right hand side..slow down into turn in lane into RV Park entrance.

Easy access turning lane off the highway for large rigs. We are about a 1.5 hour drive from the Hwy 37/Hwy 16 Junction

We are located halfway between Prince Rupert (232 miles) and Prince George (224 miles). About a 4 hour drive either way.

Due to tragic circumstances,  


Fort Telkwa R.V. Park and Guesthouse are CLOSED and will NOT be taking reservations.


Thank you for your business for the past 36 years. 

Fort Telkwa R.V. Park is FOR SALE. Real estate link will be posted here once available. 


Physical Address:

Fort Telkwa

Riverfront RV Park & Guest House

11939 Hwy 16E, 

Telkwa British Columbia V0J 2X1


Mailing Address:

Fort Telkwa

P.O. Box 373

Telkwa, British Columbia

V0J 2X0


BC Ministry of Transportation 
Road Reports
Phone: 1-800-550-4997

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